Monday, November 25, 2013

Advent 1: It's the End of the World as We Know It

Isaiah 2:1-5
Psalm 122
Romans 13:11-14
Matthew 24: 36-44

In Isaiah, Romans and Matthew we see that "The End of the World as We Know It" is coming.  We get to live it out now, even before it's fully here.

First Lesson: Isaiah 2:1-5


This is a wonderful vision and it's hard to find any challenges here other than the perennial challenge of, 'why hasn't this happened yet/how long must we wait?' One challenge for us, however, it to emphasize the SUBSTANCE of the instruction that comes from Zion (v.3).  What does this instruction look like? What does it say? How should we live?  Also, what does it mean to "walk in the light of the Lord"?  It is all well and good to say these things, they sound nice, but what do they mean? What do they look like?  As writing instructors will tell their pupils, "good writers show, they don't tell." This applies to preachers too.  WHAT DOES IT LOOK LIKE????


It's often said that a picture is worth a thousand words, but with these 155 words (yes, I counted in my NRSV Bible), Isaiah has created an inspiring and enduring image that can bring hope and faith in the power of God's goodness.  What ways do you see God at work today?  Through your congregation?  Point it out to them!

For a literal look at 'turning swords into plowshares,' check out Shane Claiborne's ministry in this article: and this youtube video:

The Good News:

Peace is coming.  Justice is coming.  Walking in the paths of the Lord will allow us to experience this.  And while it hasn't happened universe-wise as of yet, our faith allows us to 'live in' to this peace and justice even before it gets here.  We get a glimpse and that glimpse will carry us.

Psalm: Psalm 122


Jerusalem is a holy and wonderful place.  Its streets have also run red with blood because of the devotion various people have shown to it.  While Jesus found Jerusalem to be important and even wept over its fate, he is no longer found only in Jerusalem.  As the angels told the women at the empty tomb in Mark: 'He has been raised; he is not here...he is going ahead of you to Galilee..." (Mark 16)  God is present here in Swanton Ohio where I'm typing and wherever you are reading this.  Is this psalm constricting?  No, but only if Jerusalem is given the right emphasis.


This is a pilgrimage psalm, celebrating the goal of the pilgrim's journey.  This is a great opportunity to talk about journeys.  You can talk about the entire weekend 'pilgrimage' that many people take to see their favorite college or pro football team. There's the drive, the skull sessions, the tail-gating and then, when they finally enter the stadium, there is a feeling of "Our feet are standing within your gates, O Horseshoe...Big House...Lambeau...Lucas Oil Field..."  While these trips are not evil in themselves (I love football myself), they do show how the sport has become a religion in itself.

How is our entire life a pilgrimage?  As we begin advent as a time of expectation, preparation and penance how can we make our way to the manger and then the cross and then the empty tomb?  

The Good News:

This psalm is an action psalm: I can easily see Jesus and his disciples singing it as they neared Jerusalem on Palm Sunday.  When we say it, it is as if we are getting a chance to enter the story too.  I get to imagine myself as a disciple of Jesus 2,000 years ago, walking close to him.  I don't know about you, but that gets my blood pumping.  Then throw in the realization that, as a disciple, I will either betray or abandon him in a few days, and you have some powerful emotions rumbling around.  Follow that with the absolute joy that comes with his invitation to return to him...well, that's the whole story in a nutshell.  Your mind can go through all of that just by reading this psalm.  That's a powerful story.

Second Lesson: Romans 13:11-14


I totally get the darkness/light and night/day imagery here and I like it very much.  But like all imagery, metaphors, analogies and similes it ultimately falls short.  Anyone who has gazed up at the stars or taken part in a Christmas candlelight service knows that we can experience the sacred at night.  Does this negate Paul's imagery? As he would say, "BY NO MEANS!!!"  But it does merit consideration as we prepare to wax eloquent on night and day.


We're in the height of football season (and my posts reflect that).  You might not be inclined to enjoy the passing of the pigskin, but this lesson reminds me of the pre-game speeches made by players and coaches who stand in the middle of the team circle and say, "What time is it?"  The shouted answer is "GAME TIME!"  Or, as they say in this video, "We ready," Advent is a time for Paul to say, "You know what time it is..." And we know: it's game time.  Are we ready?

The Good News:

It might look like night-time out there.  Watch or read the news and it will feel like the sun hasn't come up yet.  War, poverty, strife, bullies...the list goes on.  We can be dominated by how things appear, but Jesus Christ gives us the power to live a different way.  Instead of bowing to the darkness, we get to live as if the day has already come.  There is a new way of life out there: authentic life, good life, ABUNDANT life and here Paul is saying, "Come and get it!"

Gospel: Matthew 24:36-44


Okay, two things:

1) Which day and hour are we talking about here?  Like many lessons, this one drops us right into the middle of the action with no background (unless provided by a note in your bulletin). It's like overhearing someone say, "Just shoot it."  Are they talking about a basketball, a set of river rapids or a sick dog?  Context will determine how I feel about the "it" which is about to be "shot."  Unless you are well versed in the Gospel of Matthew or the liturgical year (and how many of your hearers will be?) you could be a bit lost.  Context, context, context.  

2) Do you want to be the one taken or the one left behind?  In the case of the Flood, is "being taken" mean being taken on the ark or being taken by the flood?  In the case of what Jesus is talking about, is being taken a good thing or a bad thing? I guess it doesn't matter too much, but it's a question. What do you think?  Maybe with Christ coming to claim his own, we WANT to be taken.


I once began a sermon on this text by singing a few lines of REM's "It's the End of the World as We Know It (and I Feel Fine)" to set the mood.  Go on, embrace the alternative rock goodness:  It appealed to the 35-55 year old crowd: most people above or below those ages didn't know what I was doing.  This sentiment gives us a succinct, if trite, way of looking at what is to come.  Of course  'Fine' in no way sums up the totality of our feelings about Jesus' return, but it's a start.

The Good News:

The end of the world is often seen as a bad thing: destruction and death, zombies, disease, cats and dogs living know, mass hysteria! (See Ghostbusters for that last bit).  We can approach it with hope and expectation.  When you look at the "world as we know it," seeing it end is actually a pretty good thing, as long as Jesus Christ is involved in the ending.  Like the Romans text, this is an invitation to "live in" to what is coming. We can feel even better than "fine."

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

November 24, 2013: Christ the King Sunday

Jeremiah 23:1-6
Psalm 46
Colossians 1:11-20
Luke 23: 33-43

First Lesson: Jeremiah 23:1-6


I'm thinking of starting a "perennial Challenge" page for this blog, because the same subjects come up again and again.  Two of the usual ones are found here: when it comes to "destroying shepherds" we are almost always going to see them as people we already disagree with today.  The other perennial challenge is the fact that for this passage to make sense, you'd need to describe the socio-political situation of the late Iron Age Middle East succinctly and interestingly.  Have fun.


Much like The Rolling Stones had "Sympathy for the Devil" I have a bit of sympathy for the kings of Israel and Judah: it certainly would not have been easy negotiating international politics when you are a tiny nation in the middle of a bunch of gigantic empires.  If I had been a King, I'd have been tempted to say to a prophet, "Okay, you take my spot and make the decisions...see how it goes!"

Instead of listing all of the "destroying shepherds" out there (or from the past) this could be a great chance to "come clean" and talk about how none of us match up: none of us will be the perfect shepherd, no matter how hard we try. Instead bending ourselves out of shape while pretending we are perfect, why not just admit that we need "a Righteous Branch" who will reign as king.

Also, this is a great chance to talk about what makes a "good king."  Military might? Justice? Wisdom?  All of the above?  (In fairness, we shouldn't throughout military might automatically...if you're living in 9th century England and the Vikings start pillaging, you want a king who can protect you).  What kind of king is Jesus?

The Good News:

God is going to set things right, wait with faith.

Psalm: Psalm 46


We have more "perennial" challenges here: the psalmist is making some pretty big claims.  If these words are said in a self-assured, gloating, smug sort of way they will ring false.  But if they are said with a daring hope, they can be a powerful statement of faith.  So, as with most things, don't be smug. 

Without being trite about it, you could turn to stories from the Philippines after it's storms and how people have turned to the church as a place and people of comfort and hope.  See:

Likewise, there were serious storms in the Midwestern U.S. this last weekend: it could be useful to talk about how this psalm could bring hope if we are in a situation like that.  I am sure that faith in God made a great difference for people in these storms as well.

The Good News:
This is one of those psalms where the good news is spelled out in front of you.  God is going to win.  God breaks bows and shatters spears.  Even though present evidence seems to suggest otherwise, we do not need to fear.  That's powerful.

Second Lesson: Colossians 1:11-20

Verse 15 says "he is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn of all creation..." This is wonderful, but there is far from universal agreement on Jesus' "image." Was a he a peace-lovin' hippie? A bearded body-builder? A "zealot for God"? We don't know what he looked like, but there are plenty of people who will tell you their opinion.  So when it comes to the "image of God," be aware that everyone will have their own image in their heads...


There is great power in the idea that God has made peace us, reconciled himself to us through 'the blood of his cross.' The bible has evidence of many different images of atonement, but there is always the idea that through the Cross, we become connected to God and God becomes connected to us.  Don't let anyone tell you there is just one atonement theory (whether they are conservative or liberal), but there is great joy in the connection with God that comes from what Christ did for us.

The author here goes on and on about the "amazing-ness" of Christ. There are times when I am inspired by the ways someone will express their love for someone else (a spouse, a child, or a friend).  If I put myself in that mindset it can make a huge difference in reading this text and quite inspire me.

The Good News:

There have been times in my life where I have been reconciled or reunited to people and it brings a great deal of joy and peace.  If I take that experience and multiply it by, oh I don't know, 15 million times or so, and it gives me a sense of the "amazing-ness" of what Christ did for us on the Cross.  It makes me want to "go off" on the beauty of it all, like the author of Colossians does.

Gospel: Luke 23:33-43
Because this is read outside of the longer, fuller Passion Narrative, this reading can lose a little bit of its pathos.  It pops up in the middle of worship with so many other things going on and it might just drift over and past us that Jesus, our friend, teacher, master and Lord is BEING KILLED.  The inscription that says "This is the King of Jews" is certainly not a form of praise: it's a scornful mocking of both Jesus and the Jews.  The Romans are saying: this is the treatment that Jewish kings get at the hands of Rome.  All of this can just pass us by because there are so many other things going on in worship today.

Quite often it seems like the world we humans have created and perpetuate is "keeping score." According to our scoring system, Christ lost and lost badly. According to God's scoring system, Christ triumphed and brought reconciliation. Maybe this could be a great opportunity to reevaluate the "scoring system" in our own lives.
The Good News:

Bullying is a hot topic these days. When it comes to world history, the Romans get high marks for being some of the most savage bullies out there. Jesus receives the full force of this bullying: physical pain, mockery and the indignity of having his clothing taken away. Christ's crucifixion, and the establishment of empire, is bullying on a grand scale. The fact that Christ truly becomes our king, that he his "lifted up" (as John puts it), through suffering, rather than despite suffering, is a powerful message to those who have also suffered. 

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Pentecost 26: JUST DO IT.

Malachi 4: 1-2a
Psalm 98
2 Thessalonians 3:6-13
Luke 21:5-19

Announcement! I'm trying a slightly new format: each subsection will have just one bullet point.  Hopefully this will make your reading more streamlined!

First Lesson: Malachi 4:1-2a
  • When I hear proclamations such as this one ("the day is coming...all the arrogant and evildoers will be stubble...") I have two quick reactions: 1) Well, hasn't happened yet! 2)  Uhhh, just HOW much do I need to revere God's name to avoid this stubble-situation? There are times when I revere God's name, there are times when I do evil and there are even times when I'm's true.  Of course, looking at that passage as if I need a good "faith average" (like having a good "batting average") misses the point.  There's that whole saint-and-sinner thing.  Of course, it is easy to feel either very smug ('Hey, I'm one of the good guys') or worried ('Do I love God enough, yikes!') when reading this.
  • This passage provides some excellent imagery: it seems that the day of the Lord will hit both the arrogant/evildoers and the righteous.  For the former it will not be pleasant, for the later it will be wonderful.  How often is news good for some and bad for others?  How often is a situation a benefit for some, but hard for others?  As Rob Bell has said about heaven: heaven will be awful if you are a racist.  Perhaps the bad will need to be burned off of us, and while not pleasant, this burning will be liberating.
The Good News:
  •   Any honest person will have to admit that things aren't as good as they COULD be.  There is wrong-doing, corruption, oppression and artifical turf on baseball fields.  The good news is that God is at work and things will not always be this way.  In the meantime, we live by faith.
Psalm: Psalm 98
  •   So, I feel like I ALWAYS include the challenge of "hey, this victory hasn't been fully realized yet, and I don't always see it," anytime a psalm or lesson talks about the victory of the Lord, so I'm not going to say it now...nope won't say it at all.
  •  There are times when a lament is appropriate, but there are also times when it is fully appropriate to pump your fist in the air, crow outloud with praises to God for what the Almighty has done in your life or in the world.  When times like this come (and they will), it can be a great thing to have words on your heart and tongue ready to be said.  "O Sing to the LORD a new song, for he has done marvelous things.  His right hand and his holy arm have gotten him the victory!" are those kind of words.  Also, with all of the talk of waters, hills and creation singing and shouting with joy, I'm reminded of C.S. Lewis's Chronicles of Narnia where forests and rivers interact with Aslan the Lion.  Not read Narnia? Drop everything and do it now!
The Good News:
  •  There is a great sense of "togetherness" in this psalm: creation is united in its love and praise of the Lord.  We get to be part of that "togetherness," which banishes loneliness and hopelessness.

Second Lesson: 2 Thessalonians 3:6-13
  •  Like I said with the 'challenge' in the psalm section, I'll say here: it seems I always mention the same sort of 'challenge' when a biblical writer warns us against a certain type of person.  In this case, we're talking about 'idle' believers and the challenge always seems to be: it's too easy for me to see potential candidates for this description and they happen to be whoever I seem to disagree with or not like.  So, like I said with the psalm, I'm not going to mention this challenge at all, not once...

  •   Okay, this will probably be an unpopular statement, but sometimes you just need to say, 'Get to work,' and not "Let's talk about your feelings and why you don't want to do what we are asking..." I need to be told to 'get to work' sometimes (maybe more than sometimes) and that exhortation can been useful and helpful.  Just because God loves us unconditionally doesn't mean that God wants us to be lazy or 'busybodies.' God won't stop loving busybodies or lazy people (and thank God for that!), but Jesus didn't die on the cross so that we could go on a permanent vacation: he has called us to something greater, fuller and more rewarding (a lazy person like myself needs to remember this).

The Good News:

  • I do not have enough space and time to fully describe how much I enjoy lounging around: it's one of my favorite things. But there are plenty of times when my inactivity can make me rather depressed or "blue." I can feel listless and purposeless. This message from 2 Thessalonians helps me to be free from the lock that inactivity (perhaps even 'sloth') has on me, so that I can be energized and invigorated by an active life in Christ.
Gospel: Luke 21:5-19
  •   Verse 19 says, "By your endurance you will gain your souls..." If this is the case I feel like that guy from the movie Jaws who says, "We're going to need a bigger boat."  Also, does what Jesus says here sound like the medical warnings that appear on just about every medication commercial: 'Try fill in medication name here  it will improve your health...maybe cause nausea, bloating, heart-attack or flu-like symptoms..."  Well, maybe it's not the same thing as what Jesus is saying here, but people might hear it that way...
  •  There's a song by the band Radical Face that talks about a friendship from the past that is no longer there and the chorus says again and again, "Everything goes away...everything goes away."  It's  catchy song (called "Always Gold") and I've found myself humming or singing it under my breath again and again.  And lately, I've heard news or stories from friends that makes me sing that line "everything goes away" over and over again: a beloved friend or congregtation member dies, a precious heirloom is lost, someone's health fails, a fire destroys a building, a friendship ends, CHANGE happens. Everything goes away...even the Temple...everything goes away...except the love of God found in Jesus Christ.
The Good News:

  • I think the tail end of my "opportunity" section has already mentioned the Good News.  In a transitory world, where the only constant is change and all of the things that we love eventually go away or are taken away from us, we can hold our heads up with resolution and even joy because of God and what God has done through Jesus Christ.  Instead of attempting to hold onto everything we have with white-knuckles, we can give to those around us, we can be free from fear, we can breathe deep and hold our heads up high.

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Pentecost 25: RESURRECTION!

Job 19: 23-27a
Psalm 17:1-9
2 Thessalonians 2:1-5; 13-17
Luke 20: 27-38

First Lesson: Job 19:23-27a
  • This particular lesson seems to have been plucked out of context.  What's been going on before this? How about after this?  These lines are found within Job's back-and-forth debate with his "friends." Job is accusing both his friends and God of persecuting and tormenting him.  All of that can be easily lost.
  • It's easy for us to jump to the interpretation that Job is talking about a post-resurrection life here.  What the original writers of Job had in mind, however, is a bit less clear.  It is quite possible (apparently) that Job is NOT referring to God as his 'redeemer' because he sees the Almighty as his persecutor.
  • Okay, here's the thing: this passage is very complex with a complicated theological history.  How much time do you want to spend on the different meanings of words? Will it be the full thrust of your sermon? Do your listeners care about all of this or will they just hear, "Blah, blah, blah...crazy pastor-stuff...blah, blah, blah..."?   
  • These are familiar words to anyone who has been to more than one graveside service.  Because I myself have said them many, MANY times, verses like these take on a life of their own and conjure up memories of loved ones who have been laid to rest.  An anecdote from a particular funeral or the description of the sights, sounds and emotions from such an experience will make this passage very real indeed.
  • One of my favorite hymns would be more than appropriate on a Sunday such as this: I Know That My Redeemer Lives (ELW 619 if you're into that who Lutheran Worship thing).  You could sing just four verses or really go all out with all 8.
The Good News:
  • Job shows a remarkable assurance in the face of physical pain and emotional attacks from his friends.  His tenacity is admirable and it helps guide us in our own faith-filled wrestling.
The Psalm: Psalm 17:1-9
  • Well, the writer of this psalm seems pretty sure of him/herself to say the least!  Some might say they are laying it on a bit thick with all of this "just cause" stuff.  This person almost feels like a "goody-two-shoes" character who is running to get help with things are tough.
  • Is there such a thing as a 100% just cause? Or is it always complicated?  And here's another question: let's say it's always complicated (which I believe), but sooner or later do you have to make a judgment call and say, "Yep, that's a just cause" or "Nope, that cause ain't just."
  • This is really honest talk with God. Sometimes when I pray, my theological training kicks in and I start to craft a prayer that would recieve high points in a seminary class.  While not bad, these prayers might not come right from the heart.  My truly heart-felt prayers are much less polished and a bit, embarrassing.  This psalm is hearfelt.  This could be a good chance to talk about these things.
  • Saturday Night Live's "Weekend Update" does a great sketch called "Really?!?" where Amy Poehler and Seth Meyers list some really dumb thing that a celebrity has done and then say, "Really?!?" Considering that this psalm is attributed to David, it is possible that you could go through it and add, "David, you committed adultry, murder and plenty of other sins, your cause is just? Really!?!"

The Good News:
  • I'll admit: this is a tough one for me. You can say this at least: this psalm feels very close and personal to God, evidence of a relationship between the speaker and God.  Speak to God out of a profound sense of connection and relationship can be very powerful.

    Second Lesson: 2 Thessalonians 2:1-5, 13-17
  •  So it seems that the message is, "wait a little longer..."  We're still waiting. I can come up with all sorts of good theological reasons why Jesus hasn't come back yet, but it can still be a bit hard that the thing the early church was waiting on (Jesus' return) hasn't happened yet.
  • With verse 13 and beyond: if God has chosen some, why them? Why not others? Why not all of us? Is this a predestination thing?  
  • Who is the "lawless one?" If the "lawless one" came today what would he look like?  I'm sure we all have an idea: he'd look like whoever we really disagree with.

  • The image of being "shaken in mind or alarmed" can be a very powerful one.  Describing an earthquake or other natural disaster could be a good way to illustrate what rumors and false teachings can do to a community.
  • Sometimes it is helpful for me to remember that the early church had problems.  They weren't perfect: they quarreled, doubted and were swayed by false teachings too.  Yet, God used them and continues to use us too.

The Good News:

  • Jesus Christ is with us in the midst of the shaking and quaking times we face.  Trouble does not mean that we are abandoned by God: God is with us.

Gospel: Luke 20:27-38

  • How often at the death of loved ones do people say, "Well, she/he is now together with ________ (his/her already deceased spouse)." Jesus' words about a lack of marriage and giving in marriage
  • It appears that what Jesus is talking about isn't "heaven" in the way that popular culture often thinks of it: pearly gates, clouds, harps, etc. (okay, maybe the harps).  Instead Jesus is speaking about "that age" and "the resurrection of the dead," which seems to be something different. 
  • The interplay between all of the religious/political parties within 1st century Judaism can be very confusing.  For some, keeping the Sadducees, Pharisees, Essenes, Jesus-people in order could be as difficult as keeping track of who-is-who on Game of Thrones or The Wire. 
  • This could be a good chance to talk about who the Sadducees were and how they related to Jesus and the Pharisees. A good Biblical history book will give you all the facts you need, but there's nothing like painting a picture for your hearers.  In my mind these guys were the economic and religious elite: posh, snobby, and cynical.  They didn't believe in the resurrection, but, hey, things were pretty good for them in the here-and-now, so why worry, eh? For all of their fights with Jesus, I prefer the Pharisees. 
  • Talking about the resurrection of the dead is not some abstract and academic endeavor. There are people within ear-shot of your sermon who have lost spouses.  Your words will hit home in a very powerful way.
  • I once preached this sermon in two separate, yet parallel parts: the first from the point of view of a Jerusalmite who would have overheard this argument and the second from my own point-of-view after the death of my grandfather.  I believed this helped tie Jesus' argument into the here and now.
The Good News:
  •  God is the God of the living: there is indeed "life after death" although that's a misleading way of talking about it.  Where there is God, there is life, abundant life.
  • "The Resurrection" isn't just something that can make us say, 'Oh isn't that nice." It's really about the ultimate justice of God being realized. God wins.  All of the systems of oppression and exploitation that have been set up in defiance of God will fall.  They are temporary: God is forever.